Through professional coaching, clients can develop professional and leadership skills, prepare for a new role, explore a new career, or find balance.


Professional Growth & Direction 

  • Goal Setting

  • Skill Acquisition

  • Strategic Decision Making

  • Speaking more effectively in group settings

  • Effectively showing and expressing feelings 

  • Getting off to a great start in a new job


Enhancing Management & Leadership Skills 

  • Situational Leadership & Management

  • Communication in the Workplace

  • Managing a Team/Virtual Team 

  • Building a Team Culture

  • Delegation

  • Improving the effectiveness of a team/leadership team



  • Getting a handle on priorities and effective use of time

  • Balancing work and family

  • Become more proactive

  • Managing conflict 


Personal Brand

  • Consistency of Behavior

  • Fine-Tune Your Personal Pitch

  • Presence

  • Self-Awareness

  • Accountability


Career Exploration and Networking 

  • Building a Network

  • Information Gathering

  • Resource Leveraging


Work Relationships 

  • Setting Boundaries

  • Communicating Expectations

  • Collaboration

  • Communication

  • Feedback

  • Prepare for Difficult Conversations